Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I texted with my friend yesterday and things seem to be resolved. She said that she had announced it at her house on a night when she thought I was there but wasn't (?) and then it just didn't come  up and she figured I would ask when I was ready (also ??). But she did apologize and she realized that she messed up by not telling me. I was able to act waaaaaaay less upset than I actually was because in all honesty I didn't want to make her feel bad. She told me she was over thinking it and didn't want to be all in my face about it. To which I told her that I WANT to know the big things. I want to be involved. It is just hard for me to know what to ask. I told her the name she picked was beautiful and tried to be good friend about it. It still hurts a little. I just hope things are not awkward when I have to see her tonight :(

I know this is not a big deal. It's just not. But my hormones say it IS a big deal. Sometimes I just really hate what this IF journey is doing to me. There ARE a lot of benefits, as I am learning to surrender my will and be willing to ask for God's will instead. I am learning to be more compassionate. Sometimes, though, it seems like the bad outweighs the good. I know this isn't true. It just feels true sometimes.

A few more days left in my 2ww. I have got some major gas cramps (or something) going on! My tummy hates me right now. Trying to stay hopeful and at rest.

"Be at rest once more, O my soul for the LORD has been good to you." Ps 116:7

"May the God of Hope fill you up with joy and peace as you trust in Him so that you will overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

"Even darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you." Ps 139:12


  1. Sorry about the friend issue, I know how hard it can be when it seems everyone around us is pregnant and unsure how to act. I hope you get some good news soon, sending you lots of sticky babydust!

  2. So sorry to hear about your friend troubles - those are the worst while going through infertility. I am glad you were able to reach some type of resolution, though!

    Hoping for the best news once again - try to stay busy and keep your mind occupied. I know, easier said than done, right? The few times I have been able to accomplish this it has helped the wait go by faster and I haven't felt as much worry or pressure.

  3. Friend troubles are seriously THE WORST. I'm glad you guys were able to talk about it though. Sometimes not talking about it only makes it worse, ya know?

    Haven't heard from you on here in a couple of weeks - thinking about you :-)
