Friday, August 19, 2011

My First Upcoming IUI

I was not expecting any mature follicles at my appointment this morning. Since my cycle felt kinda screwy from the birth control (I had two lovely weeks of breakthrough/withdrawal bleeding.) I took the Femera but it was on like the 12th day I was bleeding so I didn't really think my body would do anything. BUT... I had one follicle that was about 17. I had several smaller ones on the left side but the one on the right was the dominant one. I keep seeing things on blogs about girls being really upset that they don't have more than one mature follicle. So I asked my nurse if it was bad and she said no. She said it eliminates the chances of twinning but that it only decrees the chances of conceiving by a teeny tiny bit. Is that right? Is that only for IVF that they want you to have lots of mature follicles? Confused. So she said her guess would be that we will trigger tomorrow and then do IUI on Monday. Just waiting for bloodwork results and she will tell me What When How and Why.

So...I guess the next time I update maybe I will have already had the IUI? Yikes. I'm nervous. I had a good cry when I got to work this morning. Just cause...I guess I'm just dreading that 2ww and the end result. I dread feeling that way again. BUT...after feeling freaked out and worried I listened to The One Who Saves by Hillsong on repeat for about 45 minutes while I looked up verses in the Bible about "His love endures forever" And I just cried over Psalm 107. It will be ok. My very breath is in His hands.


"His love endures. Forever His love endures forever and ever."

1 comment:

  1. With IVF you want a lot of follicles, with IUI you want less. If you get too many you could overstimulate, not ovulate or have multiples. So usually one or two is all they want to see. The 17mm sounds great, and remember all it takes is one! Good luck!
