I am in my late 20's and have been TTC since 2009. Tried for one year on our own. Treated by GYN for 5 months (clomid) Hypothyroidism +
I do not ovulate on my own (even with oral meds I need a trigger shot and still only produce 1 follie) DH SA is all good. HSG was all clear.
Refereed to RE in March 2011 3 rounds of tomoxifen+ovidrel all BFN I have had 2 failed IUI's (currently on my third)
IUI#1 was with femara and ovidrel.
IUI#2: 50 IU follistim, femera, ovidrel
IUI#3: 100 IU Follistim, femera, ovidrel
Never had a BFP